Our work would not be possible without the inspiring partners we collaborate and work with. You can learn more about our partners and funders below.
Ecohealth International
Ecohealth International is focused on working together for a healthy, just, and sustainable planet. Ecohealth research, advocacy and practice goes beyond classical health research by its systemic inclusion of social and ecological dimensions of health. Its theoretical foundations are grounded in complexity science and aim to sustain not only the health of humans, animals and plants but also ecosystem services and stable social conditions.
Cortes Island Academy
The Cortes Island Academy offers a 20 weeks (one semester) high school accredited program featuring experimental, project & place-based education where Cortes Island and it’s people serve as campus & curriculum.
Cortes Island Community Foundation
The Cortes Island Community Foundation works to support a community thriving in respectful relationship with our natural home by supporting and enhancing the wide variety of nonprofits, charities, community organizations, programs, and initiatives on the island that help maintain a vibrant and vital community.
Ecological Determinants Group on Education
The Ecological Determinants Group on Education (EDGE) aims to bring together public health and allied professionals, researchers and educators with interest and expertise in the ecological determinants of health (EDH) to promote the integration of EDH with public health education, training, and professional development, attending to issues of content as well as issues of pedagogy (and the alignment between these).
Friends of Cortes Island Society
The Friends of Cortes Island Society (FOCI) exists to monitor and preserve the health of local ecosystems, and to provide educational programs that foster a greater understanding of the natural environment.
CoPEH-Canada is a community of scholars and practitioners dedicated to the understanding, teaching and application of ecosystem approaches to address current challenges to health and sustainability. The Canadian Community of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Health (CoPEH-Canada) aims to develop ecohealth through: Training and capacity building, ecohealth research and practice in Canada, international field building in ecohealth, and evaluative research.
First Nations Health Authority
In 2013, the FNHA began a new era in BC First Nations health governance and health care delivery by taking responsibility for the programs and services formerly delivered by Health Canada. Since then the FNHA has been working to address service gaps through new partnerships, closer collaboration, health systems innovation, reform and redesign of health programs and services for individuals, families, communities and Nations.